Chronicle is Safe Contractor Certified

Chronicle is pleased to announce Safe Contractor certification.

Date: 21st July 2022

Certificate is valid until: 21st July 2023

Certificate number: JV3638

Work Categories: Computer Network Services & Software: Computer Hardware Support Services, Computer Maintenance, Computer Network Services & Software, Software Installation / Developer / Designer Industry Roles: Non-Construction Contractor Category Related Activities: Selection & Control of Subcontractors

Why SafeContractor?

As one of the founders of the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) we believe in building a better working world for everyone. Our SSIP and PAS91 contractor accreditation scheme checks that you meet the necessary requirements around health and safety, equal opportunities, diversity and environmental management practices – all in one plan. So your clients can be confident about you and reduce risk in their supply chain

What it covers?

SafeContractor is a SSIP accreditation that collects and verifies information across health, safety, financial and ethical practices – even extremely specific areas such as permits to work at height, or hazardous material handling. It even includes the common question sets defined within PAS91.

Why is this important?

SSIP assessments are all judged on core criteria approved by HSE. These core criteria describe what it means for a business to comply with basic health and safety law.

“This accreditation is testament to the quality of our installation work and robustness of our internal processes. It will also help with response to tenders and bids with enterprise level clients in the UK. “ James Zalewski IT and Installations

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